CakePHP 4: Consoleコマンドでバッチ処理、PHPのバージョンの切替

Cakephp 4で作ったアプリにバッチ処理も作り足したい場合はコンソールコマンドを使うことになるが、その使用例はこうなっている

$ bin/cake hello


$ bin/cake
PHP Fatal error:  Your PHP version must be equal or higher than 7.4.x to use CakePHP. in /var/www/html/xxxxx/config/requirements.php on line 24



$ php82 ./bin/cake.php
No command provided. Choose one of the available commands.

Current Paths:

* app:  src/
* root: /var/www/html/xxxxx/
* core: /var/www/html/xxxxx/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/

Available Commands:

 - help

 - bake
 - bake all
 - bake behavior
 - bake cell
 - bake command
 - bake command_helper
 - bake component
 - bake controller
 - bake controller all
 - bake fixture
 - bake fixture all
 - bake form
 - bake helper
 - bake mailer
 - bake middleware
 - bake model
 - bake model all
 - bake plugin
 - bake shell_helper
 - bake template
 - bake template all
 - bake test

 - twig-view compile

 - cache clear
 - cache clear_all
 - cache list
 - completion
 - i18n
 - i18n extract
 - i18n init
 - plugin assets copy
 - plugin assets remove
 - plugin assets symlink
 - plugin load
 - plugin loaded
 - plugin unload
 - routes
 - routes check
 - routes generate
 - schema_cache build
 - schema_cache clear
 - server
 - version

 - benchmark

 - bake migration
 - bake migration_diff
 - bake migration_snapshot
 - bake seed
 - bake simple_migration
 - migrations
 - migrations create
 - migrations dump
 - migrations mark_migrated
 - migrations migrate
 - migrations orm-cache-build
 - migrations orm-cache-clear
 - migrations rollback
 - migrations seed
 - migrations status

To run a command, type `cake command_name [args|options]`
To get help on a specific command, type `cake command_name --help`

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